Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Someone told me that blogs are dead

So someone told me that blogs are dead. Finished. A thing of the past. And once I heard that statement I realized that I had no other option but to start a blog. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no working knowledge on how to operate a blog. But how hard can it be, right? I write brilliant things (like you are reading now) and you (the reader) read. Sounds simple enough. After I came to this realization, I brought the idea up to a friend and we decided to create The Plethora Project. This blog will be a home for everything from political discussions to rock, paper, scissors strategy sessions. We plan on covering every idea that comes into our pretty little heads and now that we have a blog, you can't stop us. 

Maybe I should start by telling you a little about myself. I am a thirty year freelance writer and by that I mean that I am unemployed. I have a lovely wife and two crazy ass kids. I am finishing up my MFA in creative writing at Lesley University in Boston and most of my time on campus is spent having in depth literary discussions over many rounds of Boston's finest beers. I have done a lot of drug and been arrested a few times but never served any real time and for the moment I am completely sober. I mean literally, this moment. In ten minutes I hope to change all of that. 

Well, enough of this getting to know each other shit. I feel like this is our first date and I can't stop staring at your boobs. In other words, let's get to the fucking point. I am going to write as much as possible and I will also have many other people writing on this page as well. I hope you read along with us. 

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